Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Stan's thoughts about Ukraine


Ukraine's temporary 'woo'

- it goes much deeper into the past than the “Budapest Memorandum''. They  had their own country, a commonwealth-confederation together with the kingdom of Poland and the great principality of Lithuania (until 1795) but they didn’t like it and the Ukrainian oligarchs broke it up by asking the tsarina of Moscow for “protection”. They got what they asked for! Dissatisfied, the Ukrainian elites tried to find some new big faraway “friends”, the Swedes, Austrians, even Nazi Germans. How did that work for them? After the Budapest lesson the politicians of independent Ukraine tried to be nice to Americans especially to the president 'whose number was 44' and his demonic pedoparty. How nice have Americans been to Ukraine? So nice that the US Democratic politicians with Biden’s family crime syndicate on top plus some Trump's people helped institutionalize and exploit the state corruption rather than fight it! They also 'helped' isolate Ukraine from all potential regional allies. Time to rethink everything.

Stan Bleszynski, 5-Dec-2023, Buckhorn

Reference - post by Alexy Arestovich:

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Brexit was a break from Germany+Russia, not from the EU

I misjudged the true British reason behind Brexit. On the surface, the immediate motivation seemed to be stopping of the immigration, but from the perspective of those 8 years I realised that it was just the pretext. Looking back into the events of 2008 and 2014 I realized that the British were probably horrified by the Russian military aggression: an incursion against Georgia resulting in carving out about 1/3 of the Georgian territory. Absence of any major political resistance form the EU (except isolated protests of Poland and the Baltics). I think British probably knew that the real reason behind a non-reaction from the EU has been a deep Russian (from the Soviet days) infiltration by agents and capture of an entire German political leadership by Russia. We know from Snowden leaks about a massive surveillance program of the German elites by the CIA. A question nobody has been asking is the reason behind that surveilliance. Perhaps CIA had a good reason to tap their phones?

A lack of substantial retaliation by the EU for the annexation of Crimea and Donbass by Russia in 2014 should not not come as a surprise given a degree of German infiltration by Russia who was able to subtly squash all retaliatory attempts against itself. In addition, acceptance of 2M of refugees into Germany around the same time, followed by German government attempts ar dumping them to other countries, created a convenient political crisis and distraction. Distracting the EU away from a much more pressing issue - of stopping Russian millitary expansion and agentural infiltration of the EU.

An almost simultaneous preparations of the British to exit the EU become now totally understandable, the economic cost notwithstanding.

Last but not least, when one looks at the past, British interests were never aligned neither with Russia, nor with any German-Russian alliance or pipelines. Germany are Britain's biggest competitors, while Russia doesn't have anything that Britain can't get anywhere else for less money and with less risk. It is interesting to notice how the British investment in Russian oil and gas fields were confiscated by Russia around that time! They haven't forgotten haven't they?

It is not in the British interests to help or be part of neither German sphere, nor Russia's nor facillitate any alliance between those two! Also, it is not now (nor in the 1850-ties!) in the British interests to allow turning the Black Sea into a Russian controlled zone.

No wonder that come 2022 the UK was already prepared and must have pre-planned well in advance repel Russian military attack and help Ukraine from day 1. So were some other governments of the EU, most notably Polish government and the Baltics. Basically looks like many of the EU + UK governments must have been preparing for the Russian military atack for some time accumulating enough supplies as well as placing military orders, to be able to immediately send huge arms supplies to Ukraine. All except German government.

When the "fog of war" settles we are going to learn some amazing stories.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Individual freedom of choice, why Ukrainians are socially ahead of Poles!

Interesting discussion between Gary Kasparov and Alexy Arestovich
(see the references below) on the subject of free individual choice as the
chief value of the society. Discussing why is the Tatarian/Mongol idea 
of "Russian-order" (Русский мир) completely unattractive to almost 
everybody in Europe, especially to Ukrainians.

Tragedy of modern societies is that the people may become better informed
while their value system is being stuck in the Middle Ages or worse.
Typically people rally around the ideas that they were inculcated with during the past
centuries such as loyalty towards the ruling royal family, loyalty to the ruling religion
or loyalty to the state. Ukrainians represent us with a unique opportunity to observe
one of the most advanced societies in Europe where none of the traditional crippling
loyalties survived as the chief values. Instead, Ukraine became a society of escaped
farmers seeking individual freedom from the feudal system reigning elsewhere in
Europe, exactly like the United States.

From the value system Ukrainians fighting for individual freedom of choice
"how to live", have progressed since the 17-th century much farther than Poles
who got stuck on the idea of fighting for the "free country".
Poles have failed to consider that the free country, though important, is nevertheless
a secondary construct that results from free citizenry not the other way around.
Had Poles utilized the destruction of the Rzeczpospolita by 1790-ties as an opportunity
to abolish feudalism and grant "szlacheckie" privileges to all citizens,
peasants and merchants, who were culturally and mentally all ready for that, then 

- freedom would have come much sooner!

Stan (Heretic) Bleszynski


Short 1.5 minute version 

Арестович, Каспаров: Новое цивилизационное предложение для мира

835,265 views  May 28, 2022  В первой беседе с Гарри Каспаровым на канале

«Форум свободной России» обсудили развитие человеческой истории:

что послужило началом и что может стать итогом русско-украинской войны:


 Full version:

Арестович, Каспаров: Новое цивилизационное предложение для мира

835,265 views  May 28, 2022  В первой беседе с Гарри Каспаровым на канале

«Форум свободной России» обсудили развитие человеческой истории:

что послужило началом и что может стать итогом русско-украинской войны:


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Economic crisis of corporate socialism - China and G7

 I began understanding the mechanism behind the recent world-wide disruption in the industrial supply chain and logistics. 

We are witnessing a large backup and backlog of container ships off the US west and east coast. My initial thinking was that it could be intentional, a part of some US-China trade war that Trump started 2 years ago and the current admin is just continuing.   

It turns out that as the trade disruption intensified earlier this year, it was reflected by the price of shipping containers shooting through the roof (above 10k$ per container, up from a previous cost of about 3k$).  Recently the price of the containers went back down again even though the backlog is still the same if not even greater.  What is going on? 

We are dealing with a major economic crisis in the centralized government-planned socialist economy of China!  This is causing major disruption in the Chinese manufacturing sector that is now being forced to scale down production and delivery of industrial goods due to disruption of internal logistics and the supply chain within China! 

Very soon we are about to experience an economic crash of the central-bank controlled corporate-socialist economies of the G7 countries!  For the same systemic reason as in China.  Let me explain.

Centrally controlled socialist-communist and corporate-socialist   economies are inherently prone to crashes.  Unlike the capitalist economies experiencing frequent (but localized, rarely global) disruption of trade and business due to fluctuation of consumer demand, the socialist economies are very prone to crashes caused by disruption of production and logistics.  The reason is that such economies are dominated by a small number of very large and very powerful (politically) entities that are able to lobby the authorities to allow them grab or acquire  whatever resources they want, freezing their smaller competitors out of the supply chain. Large corporations can also get rid of their smaller competitors through mergers and acquisitions that results in an even greater economic centralization, given the lack of any  effective anti-trust laws.

This mechanism operates like a positive-feedback loop amplifying even a small trend until it becomes disruptively large. So even a small trade disruption caused by a trade war or epidemics, began growing to a very large scale because the small component producers and small supply chain services have an enormously large role to play in the overall economy.  Their role is much bigger than their nominal market cap and the usual valuation methods based on stock and corporate bond values do not reflect this.  The small companies are the source of parts and services for the large manufacturing corporations and the rest of the economy, including the agriculture and mining sectors.  Once the large companies grab and utilize them internally, they are no longer able to serve other producers and fulfill their role supplying what the market needs. It causes the  ripple-effect disrupting the entire economy! 

China and the US are now in the same economic death spiral where the large and powerful corporations are cannibalizing the smaller companies in order to survive themselves, compounding the disaster. 

I lived through that in the 1970-ties and 80-ties.  I remember a socialist economic crisis in the communist-run Poland .  It begun in the 1971 by the then new communist chief Edward Gierek ordering the large manufacturing corporations to boost their production of industrial goods.  They responded by requesting to take over the local small cooperative manufacturing businesses (so called "przemysł terenowy")  from all over the country.  They got it - but the result was disastrous! It produced an acute shortages of nails, bolts, small hardware parts including machine spare parts, and worst of all, a shortage of   >>> baler twine <<< ["Sznurek do snopowiązałki"].     A lack of locally produced spare parts caused disruption of transportation due to disrepair of buses, small trucks and tractors.  The lack of harvester's twine was particularly noticeable because it resulted in harvest failures during the subsequent years and disrupted the entire food market from which the socialist economy has never recovered, until it was entirely abolished in 1989 (abolished together with the large corporations!).

------ Update 9-Nov-2021 ------

Reference article:

Monday, September 9, 2019

Warning to Gay and Lesbian Movements

Warning to Gay and Lesbian Movements.
(Polish version - see below. Wersja Polska - poniżej)

As LGBT movement became radicalized and more visible than ever, it appears to have been either set-up, or infiltrated and hijacked, by the leftist political parties in most of the Western countries, (to a lesser degree, including also the former Eastern Europe) .

You are being used as a tool to destabilize the society by antagonizing yourself against it and forcing a debate on the issues that are irrelevant for most people.

At the same time these sideline issues are distracting taking up valuable media time away from the real issues to be fought over, such as high taxes, overblown public sector, and the Globalist Parasite - their corporate welfare state.

Worst of all, you are going to find out soon that the political & corporate elites (and the Catholic Church hierarchy in some countries such as Poland, Italy, Spain etc) are about to use you as the scapegoats to blame you for their own pedophilia scandal, as more and more facts are going to become known to the public and the whole knowledge of child abuses is exploding all over the world!

To hide their own insider cult practices and rituals, and their secret belief system responsible for their mental degeneration and perversions, the political and corporate elites will try to deflect media campaign to blame the homosexualism itself. Watch out because you are just about to get thrown under the bus by the very same political forces that have until now financed and promoted your movement. You have only very little time to walk away or switch over to the other political side who, although have no particular love towards you nor intention to promote you, will nevertheless give you some protection as per basic human rights and decency on the political Right. Christians (especially Protestants) will help you too!

Take Care,


Ostrzeżenie dla publicznych organizacji homoseksualistów

W miarę jak ruch LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transvestites) rósł w siłę i stał się bardzo widoczny na scenie politycznej i medialnej, wydaje się, że ruch ten został całkowicie zdominowany, zinwigilowany lub też od początku założony przez lewicowe partie polityczne. Tak się stało w większości krajów Zachodu jak również w trochę mniejszym stopniu, w krajach Europy Wschodniej.

Jesteście wykorzystywani jako narzędzie destabilizacji społecznej dlatego że zostaliście wystawieni na przeciw większości ludzi, forsując debaty publiczne na temat który dla większości społeczeństwa jest nieistotny. Tym samym pomagacie elitom politycznym odwracać uwagę od tematów które dla sił rządzących są zagrożeniem, jak na przykład za wysokie podatki, zbyt rozbudowany sektor publiczny, oraz bardzo ważny temat "ośmiornica" Globalizmu i jego socializm korporacyjny.

Co gorsza, wkrótce przekonacie się, że elity polityczno-korporacyjne Zachodu (oraz hierarchia kościoła Katolickiego w krajach katolickich w których mają realna władzę, jak Polska, Włochy, Hiszpania itp.) zamierzają zrobić z Was "kozłów ofiarnych" winiąc Was za skandale pedofilskie na szczytach władzy, zwłaszcza jak coraz więcej faktów zostaje ujawnionych, a wiedza o perwersji i wykorzystywaniu dzieci przez zdegenerowane moralnie elity władzy zaczyna w świadomości społecznej eksplodować, w skali globalnej!

W celu ukrycia obrzędów kultowych i praktyk w tajnych stowarzyszeniach na szczytach władzy, które są bezpośrednią przyczyną ich degeneracji umysłowej i perwersjii, elity te będą próbowały zrzucić winę wyłącznie na homoseksualizm! Proszę bardzo uważać gdyż wkrótce znajdziecie się "pod wozem", wrzuceni przez tych samych polityków którzy Was dotychczas promowali i finansowali.

Macie bardzo mało czasu aby się wycofać z nadmiernie eksponowanych ruchów i wystawionych na widok a więc niebezpiecznych ustawień, w stronę zupełnie innych stronnictw i ruchów politycznych, które, choć Was nie hołubią ani nie darzą specjalną sympatią, tym niemniej są w stanie zapewnić Wam jakieś bezpieczeństwo. Choćby w ramach praw człowieka i zwyczajowej tolerancji (na prawicy). Również wiele organizacji Chrześcijańskich jest w stanie Wam pomoc, szczególnie Protestanckich.

Trzymajcie sie,

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The other reason behind Christian conversion.

This is a repost of my document written in 2016, and linked on my other blog.

This was inspired by the 1050-th anniversary of Polish king Mieszko I  Christian conversion that was widely discussed in some Polish media. I am not going to discuss fake conversions under a gun stuck to one's head, figuratively, or those due to some opportunistic reasons such as  to show off oneself as a member of a Christian community. I am referring to a true conversion where one actually believes in it. 

  I always assumed that there could only be one reason – “Jesus”. 
One either finds the idea appealing and declares oneself a follower
of “The Anointed One” and takes the rest of the Bible as a bundle, 
or one does not. An article by a Polish historian

who researched the real reason behind king Mieszko’s “conversion”
in 966, made me realize that there was another reason – Yehova!
  It is nowadays extremely unpopular, as well as actively de-emphasized
by the Roman Catholic Church. But for a young king who had already
lost a couple of crucial battles and stood to lose a final one
(to the Lutetian Confederation), an idea of a ruthless obedience-seeking
Yehova “who can vanquish all your enemies”, as described in the Bible,
must have seemed a Godsend! 

Interestingly, both reasons for conversion – either to the Christ of the
New Testament, who may one day save you, or to  Yehova of the
Old Testament, who may "kick your enemy's ass",
seem to instill a common idea - that one is powerless and
thus needs an external force in order to rule, live or prosper.

On a personal note, I used to think that the biblical (Old Testament)
stories involving Yehova and its entourage were utterly reprehensible,
so I believed that people would generally embrace the more positive bits
(i.e. New Testament) despite some gore and death in the other parts of the story.

Yet, king Mieszko’s saga  made me realize that some people of the
power elite at the time, may have  embraced Christianity, not despite
of the cruelty-promoting gory bits of the Old Testament, but precisely
because of them!  That interpretation of history is beginning to make a lot of sense.

Why were the first medieval Christian kings so ruthless, waging incessant
warfare against their neighbours?  There are many examples . I have a suspicion
that the same thing may have been going on with other religions of “War & Peace”
where some people found the parts dealing with love, peace and forgiveness
the most appealing, while some found themselves attracted to the bits
emphasizing judgement, punishment and control.   A choice for anyone
- according to one's needs of the day!   Criminals may chose the parts
that teaches obedience, war and revenge, nicer people may chose
the stories of love and forgiveness.

Stan (Heretic) Bleszynski


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Recession & global social collapse?

Interesting video, interview with Igor Witkowski (in Polish)

Some quotes (paraphrased):

"The currently experienced social upheaval is driven by the humanity's collective unconscious desire to move away from the presently dominant form of perceptions".

"Getting out of the Matrix"

"The polls made by a social research firm 2 years ago found that two-third of the young men in the Western and Southern Europe would be willing to join a revolutionary uprising had such erupted"

"French 'Yellow Vest' social uprising reflects a mass-rejection of the establishment and of the status quo, that is supported by about 50% of adults and represent a mixture of extreme left with the French nationalism, similar to German national-socialism of the 1930-ties."

"People of the Western and Southern Europe sense that something is wrong but have no clear and constructive idea how to fix it"

Pułapki tej cywilizacji - Igor Witkowski, by TV Victoria, Published on May 2, 2019

Witkowski has pointed out that the media has been completely ignoring or under-reporting that the manufacturing growth has stagnated world-wide and is heading downwards in many if not all major industrialized countries, indicating a possibility of a global recession! See the screenshots of the economic data for the 10 of the major industrialized countries.