Thursday, June 2, 2022

Individual freedom of choice, why Ukrainians are socially ahead of Poles!

Interesting discussion between Gary Kasparov and Alexy Arestovich
(see the references below) on the subject of free individual choice as the
chief value of the society. Discussing why is the Tatarian/Mongol idea 
of "Russian-order" (Русский мир) completely unattractive to almost 
everybody in Europe, especially to Ukrainians.

Tragedy of modern societies is that the people may become better informed
while their value system is being stuck in the Middle Ages or worse.
Typically people rally around the ideas that they were inculcated with during the past
centuries such as loyalty towards the ruling royal family, loyalty to the ruling religion
or loyalty to the state. Ukrainians represent us with a unique opportunity to observe
one of the most advanced societies in Europe where none of the traditional crippling
loyalties survived as the chief values. Instead, Ukraine became a society of escaped
farmers seeking individual freedom from the feudal system reigning elsewhere in
Europe, exactly like the United States.

From the value system Ukrainians fighting for individual freedom of choice
"how to live", have progressed since the 17-th century much farther than Poles
who got stuck on the idea of fighting for the "free country".
Poles have failed to consider that the free country, though important, is nevertheless
a secondary construct that results from free citizenry not the other way around.
Had Poles utilized the destruction of the Rzeczpospolita by 1790-ties as an opportunity
to abolish feudalism and grant "szlacheckie" privileges to all citizens,
peasants and merchants, who were culturally and mentally all ready for that, then 

- freedom would have come much sooner!

Stan (Heretic) Bleszynski


Short 1.5 minute version 

Арестович, Каспаров: Новое цивилизационное предложение для мира

835,265 views  May 28, 2022  В первой беседе с Гарри Каспаровым на канале

«Форум свободной России» обсудили развитие человеческой истории:

что послужило началом и что может стать итогом русско-украинской войны:

 Full version:

Арестович, Каспаров: Новое цивилизационное предложение для мира

835,265 views  May 28, 2022  В первой беседе с Гарри Каспаровым на канале

«Форум свободной России» обсудили развитие человеческой истории:

что послужило началом и что может стать итогом русско-украинской войны:

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